Sunday 13 May 2012

The Red Cross- geography topic

The red cross is present in nearly every country in the world. The red cross was set up to preserve human life and health and to stop human suffering. Jean-Henri Dunant set up what would become the red cross in 1836. During the first world war the red cross was involved with providing medical support to the European countries. The red cross protested against the use of chemical weaponry in this war. The red cross was also involved with the second world war. The red cross is active in Afghanistan. The 1965 conference in Vienna adopted seven basic principles to the league of red cross and red crescent societies which are Humanity, Impartiality, Neutrality, Independence, Voluntary Service, Unity and Universality. In some countries the red cross takes blood donations and runs first aid courses first civilians. The red cross has won three Nobel Prizes. This is the official mission statement of the red cross
"The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is an impartial, neutral, and independent organisation whose exclusively humanitarian mission is to protect the lives and dignity of victims of war and internal violence and to provide them with assistance''.
The Red cross Headquarters are in Geneva in Switzerland but it has about 80 offices called delegates all over the world. It has 15000 professional employees. The red cross trains people in first aid and I chose this as my geography project as I am a member of the red cross and have successfully completed the first two courses in first aid. Here is a link to the irish red cross website. Here is my image source,r:5,s:0,i:145

Thursday 3 May 2012

Glendalough retreat!

We went on our retreat to Glendalough and I found it very spiritual and peaceful. As part of our post-retreat reflection Ms. Leahy asked us to put a picture on our blogs of one thing that stood out for us from the day. I picked this picture and message because I thought it was very true when Fr. Michael said that we are all important but we are all part something bigger and it is important to be aware of this. I picked this image because it shows all the history of Glendalough and everything that has gone on there in the past with Saint Kevin and it shows that the people who lived in the past are still present in the world today.

Tuesday 27 March 2012


Its Easter soon :) I'm very excited about it. T.y. is quiet this week, we made carbonara in home ec today and it turned out well. I have had very bad luck in home ec recently. First, my caramel was boiled too much and turned into toffee, couldn't eat it. Then the lemon flavouring in our lemon meriangue pie wouldn't thicken so we added flour and it went too thick then when We was making icing to go on muffins We made it tasted horrible for some reason and we had to throw it all out. I was very relieved this morning when the carbonara came out alright.

Thursday 8 March 2012

Work Experience!

Last week we were on transition year work experience and I went to the dail. It was SO GOOD. I really enjoyed it and I got to see so many interesting jobs. I was in the communications, the general office, the broadcasting department and a meeting with the HSE with all the politicians and I got to go to the gallery of the Dail chamber and watch the parliamentary questions. It was really strange to see all the T.D.s in real life as I recognised them all from newspapers and television. It was a very good work experience and I would recommend it to anyone. I got the train from Maynooth to Pearse and I got the train at around a quarter past eight with two girls from my primary school that were also on work experience. My lunch break was from one until half two.

Thursday 9 February 2012

Kildare pilgrimage trip

On Tuesday we went to Kildare to see the sights of saint brigid in Kildare town. We visited two wells and two churches. The churches we visited were very nice. We also went to the kildare outlet shopping centre which was fun. We watched a film about kildare through the years and the impact Brigid's life had on the town. We are linking with a school in Australia to teach them about Saint Brigid.

Monday 30 January 2012

Mullingar Drama trip

Last Tuesday everyone in t.y. went to Mullingar to see Banba and Eiriu compete in a drama contest. We left the school at nine o'clock in the morning and my class, fodla were on the smaller bus and the other two classes were on the bigger bus. I sat beside Emily on the way down.
The competition was on in a small theatre in the Mullingar centre for arts. There were two other schools at the competition and we watched their plays. There was four t.y. plays on in total from Saint Wolstans. Two of them were adaptions of poems (Titch Miller and Mid term break) but the other two were made up from scratch. The plays were very good and they dealt with strong issues such as suicide, bulling and the death of young children. There was one man and one woman there apart from our school to watch the plays and to judge weather they get into the competition or not.
After we had seen the plays we went to Mullingar town for lunch. When we were in McDonald's, Lisa popped a balloon by accident and everyone was staring at her, it was funny.
After we left McDonald's (with our complementary balloons, of course) we walked back up to the centre and the we started on the long journey home to Kildare. Emily fell asleep on the way back and we got home approximately forty minutes ahead of schedule. It was a very fun day and I found the plays enjoyable with strong performances from our school in particular.

Monday 16 January 2012

Hello :)

I haven't blogged in a while but happy new year to everyone. Last week we started Indian head massage, zumba dancing and band for our Thursday activities. I'm writing this blog in religion. For the next few weeks we are researching Saint Brigid so we can possibly link up with a school in Australia or wherever and teach them about Saint Brigid. My group are making St. Brigid's day crosses.
Thats all for now and thanks for reading! Please comment!